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I'm just hungry: Dawid Malan after his scintillating 140-run innings

England set up a gigantic total of 364 runs due to Malan's batting. Malan expressed his satisfaction after the match. At the same time, he said that he was successful due to his intense hunger for scoring runs.

I'm just hungry: Dawid Malan after his scintillating 140-run innings

Posted - 2023-10-11T01:52:17+06:00

Updated - 2023-10-11T01:52:17+06:00

England beat Bangladesh by a huge margin of 137 runs in their second match. After losing by 9 wickets against New Zealand in the first match, the English turned around to win the match in style. Dawid Malan was the hero of the team's victory by playing a devastating innings of 140 runs. 

England set up a gigantic total of 364 runs due to Malan's batting. Malan expressed his satisfaction after the match. At the same time, he said that he was successful due to his intense hunger for scoring runs.

In the post-match press conference, Malan said about the secret of his success, "I'm just hungry: hungry to play and do well, hungry to score runs and win games of cricket. I've wanted to be part of this team for so long and it's been impossible to break into because the players have been so good. So to get your opportunity and then take it, and to enjoy it as long as it lasts is all that I try to do."

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Malan added, "I'm over the moon. To be able to score a hundred and say that I've scored a hundred in a World Cup for England is fantastic. And to win the game is great - though, ultimately, if we don't get to the business end of the tournament, it means nothing. Hopefully I can continue contributing and help winning games."

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