Nasrin Sultan meets Arafat Sunny at Valentine's day
Maksud HaqueCorrespondent
Posted - 2017-02-15T03:47:31+06:00
Updated - 2017-02-15T19:49:18+06:00
Cricketer Arafat Sunny will be presented in court tomorrow for the hearing of his Information and Communication Act (ICT) case filed earlier this month. But just a day before that he met with Nasrin Sultana, who claimed to be his wife and file three case against him. [বাংলায় দেখুন = ভালবাসা দিবসে মুখোমুখি সানি ও নাসরিন ]
She went to the Jail to meet with Arafat Sunny. Both of them went emotional during their meeting after long time. They discussed about their past. [caption id="attachment_65298" align="aligncenter" width="305"]
Arafat Sunny will be presented to court in Wednesday for his hearing.[/caption] Nasrin said she went their due to the request of her husband Arafat Sunny. Despite, he is in jail for almost a month for the case she herself filed against Sunny. She said,
Follow google news channel to get news of BDCricTime."He requested me to meet. I went to meet him. There we discussed about our past. It is manly because of our love that I went to meet him in the jail."
"Maybe we would have enjoyed the day if he was free. We would have visited somewhere. It would have been great time. So I miss him at this day."
Earlier Arafat Sunny's lawyer Jewel Ahmed confirmed he will be presented to court in Wednesday for his hearing of one of his three cases filed by Nasrin Sultana. According to the case statement filed by Nasrin Sultana on January 5, 2017 at the Mohammadpur Police Station, Sunny threatened to reveal indecent photos of Nasrin on Facebook. Sunny, while speaking to the police, denied the allegations and said that they were all made up.
Also See- Tamim, Riyad, Shakib’s PSL Fixture
- Maksudul HAQUE, correspondent, bdcrictime