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Pakistan team skip dinner at hotel, orders foods from famous Kolkata restaurant

One of the most well-known restaurants in Kolkata received online orders for Biriyani, Chaap, Firni, Kebabs, and Shahi Tukda, according to the report. When the group finally made it to the City of Joy on October 28, they were greeted with delicious curds and other treats.

Pakistan team skip dinner at hotel, orders foods from famous Kolkata restaurant

Posted - 2023-10-31T13:32:50+06:00

Updated - 2023-10-31T13:32:50+06:00

On Sunday, October 29, the Pakistan cricket team decided to dine at the popular Zam Zam Restaurant in Kolkata rather than at the team hotel. The cricketers used an internet meal delivery service to place their order.

One of the most well-known restaurants in Kolkata received online orders for Biriyani, Chaap, Firni, Kebabs, and Shahi Tukda, according to the report. When the group finally made it to the City of Joy on October 28, they were greeted with delicious curds and other treats.

The Pakistan cricket squad is currently in Kolkata in preparation for their World Cup match versus Bangladesh, which will take place at Eden Gardens on the 31st of October, 2023. Pakistan is in seventh place after a disappointing World Cup campaign, in which they have won only two of their six matches played thus far.

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Zam Zam Restaurant Director Shadman Faize told the news agency that they were unaware at first that the order had been placed by the Pakistan team, but learned of it later.

"The order came through an online food delivery platform. They ordered three dishes which were biryani, kebabs, and chap. They ordered it on Sunday evening after 7 PM. Initially, we had no idea that the order was from the Pakistan cricket team but later we got to know it. I hope they liked the food. People from every nationality should come and try our food. Kolkata has its own style of biryani which is very famous all over the world," Faize told ANI about the order.


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