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Shakib Al Hasan’s parents visit Tamim Iqbal in hospital, offer prayers for his recovery

On March 24, Tamim Iqbal had a heart attack during a Dhaka Premier League (DPL) game. He was rushed to KPJ Specialized Hospital in Savar.  He had an angioplasty and a stent put in to clear out a blocked artery there.  Even though his health has gotten better, doctors are still keeping a close eye on him.  He is going to be taken to Evercare Hospital in Dhaka soon to get more care.

Shakib Al Hasan’s parents visit Tamim Iqbal in hospital, offer prayers for his recovery

Posted - 2025-03-25T15:32:00+06:00

Updated - 2025-03-25T15:56:01+06:00

When things go wrong, differences go away and ties get stronger.  That's clear from the friendship between Shakib Al Hasan and Tamim Iqbal.  After Tamim's health scare, Shakib's touching post on social media showed how worried he was.  Mashroor Reza and Shirin Reza, his parents, have now visited the sick cricket player in the hospital to see how he is doing and to pray for a quick recovery.

On March 24, Tamim Iqbal had a heart attack during a Dhaka Premier League (DPL) game. He was rushed to KPJ Specialized Hospital in Savar.  He had an angioplasty and a stent put in to clear out a blocked artery there.  Even though his health has gotten better, doctors are still keeping a close eye on him.  He is going to be taken to Evercare Hospital in Dhaka soon to get more care.

Shakib’s parents arrived at the hospital on March 25 to see Tamim and his family. Speaking to the media after their visit, Shakib’s father, Masroor Reza, expressed relief and gratitude for Tamim’s recovery. “Alhamdulillah, he is doing much better. We pray he returns home soon,” he said.

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Masroor Reza also shared a personal connection, revealing that Tamim’s father, Iqbal Khan, was his childhood friend. “I have known Tamim’s mother even before her marriage. This family is very close to us,” he added.

Shakib’s mother, Shirin Reza, also urged everyone to pray for Tamim’s health. “Allah has been merciful. Tamim was saved from a serious crisis. Please keep him in your prayers so he recovers fully,” she said.

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