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David Warner shares why he’s stepped away from BPL, calls for quality improvements

Warner’s recent meeting with Bangladesh’s Sabbir Rahman at the Zim Afro T10 League for Bulawayo Brave Jaguars provided some insight into his decision.

David Warner shares why he’s stepped away from BPL, calls for quality improvements

Posted - 2024-10-25T15:49:28+06:00

Updated - 2024-10-25T15:49:28+06:00

Despite once being among the world’s most popular cricket leagues, second only to the IPL, the Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) has seen a decline in interest among international players. Factors such as competition from other emerging leagues and the perception of waning quality have dampened enthusiasm. David Warner, the Australian cricket icon, is among those who have chosen to sit out of recent BPL seasons.

Warner’s recent meeting with Bangladesh’s Sabbir Rahman at the Zim Afro T10 League for Bulawayo Brave Jaguars provided some insight into his decision. Warner shared with Sabbir that he feels the BPL’s quality has dipped, noting that it no longer matches the standards of its earlier seasons. Sabbir later confirmed this in an interview with BDCricTime, stating, “I asked Warner why he hasn’t played in the BPL in recent years. He said, ‘Look Sabbir, there are so many tournaments around the world, and I just don’t feel the BPL is the same as before. If things improve, I’ll try to come back.’”

Sabbir, while not entirely agreeing, acknowledged that improvements in the BPL could indeed boost the league’s appeal. “Everyone is free to share their opinion, and he shared his perspective. Personally, I think the BPL is doing okay, but it would be beneficial for everyone if the league made some upgrades.”

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Responding to this growing sentiment, the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB), led by Faruque Ahmed, has pledged to revamp the BPL, introducing stricter standards to ensure quality and reduce mismanagement. The tournament’s 11th season, featuring seven teams, is set to begin this December with hopes of rekindling the league’s past glory.

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