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"My Abahani is now strong from your national team"

Abahani, who leads the points chart, is now on his way to the Super League from the top. The competition between the teams is as heated as the one on the points table. The team management has to sweat to decide who will play and who will not play.

"My Abahani is now strong from your national team"

Posted - 2024-04-07T16:21:10+06:00

Updated - 2024-04-07T16:21:10+06:00

Abahani's team has consistently performed well in the Dhaka Premier League (DPL). But this time, it appears like this year's squad has outdone the previous one. The national team's star-studded lineup is so formidable that coach Khaled Mahmud Sujon believes Abahani outperforms it.

Abahani, who leads the points chart, is now on his way to the Super League from the top. The competition between the teams is as heated as the one on the points table. The team management has to sweat to decide who will play and who will not play.

The team has become stronger as the star cricketers of the national team have joined Abahani. Talking about this, Sujon said, “Our team is strong enough. Not enough, too strong. I can't remember when a Dhaka Premier League (DPL) team was so strong. Jaker Ali was not there. Jaker Ali is my greatest performer. Jaker is a little sick.

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“I was jokingly telling Shanto yesterday, my Abahani is now strong from your national team. At the end of the day I want to be a champion. I said, no one's place in Abahani is guaranteed. I am very professional. Abahani spent a lot of money. They play in Abahani because we pay more than other Premier League teams.”

However, no matter how big the star is, performance is the last thing to get a chance in Abahani's XI - said Sujon in one word. He added, “Litton, Mosaddek, Shanto, Saifuddin - they have been playing in Abahani for many years. But they don't want to go. They want to stay in Abahani. When I work for Abahani, I also work professionally. I have a soft corner for my players. I love them very much. But when it comes to the team, Abahani is the first.”

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