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Nick Hockley News

"It's really for others to make that happen" - Cricket Australia boss Nick Hockley shows his willingness to arrange bilateral series between India and Pakistan

The two arch-rivals of Cricket Pakistan and India always dishes up for something spicy. But for internal and political issues these two sides haven’t meet each other for a bilatera


Cricket Australia launches Multicultural Action Plan

Cricket Australia (CA) hasreleased its Multicultural Action Plan to create further engagement andinclusion in all areas of Australian Cricket and continue the game’s mission tobe a


Bangladesh beat India in the Inaugural SCG Multicultural Cup 2023

The Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG) witnesseda dazzling showcase of multicultural cricket talent at the SCG MulticulturalCup 2023. Eight community teams, representing diverse cultures,


Cricket Australia is bracing for more pain after a $17 million loss

Cricket Australia on Thursday reported a loss of $16.9 million for the 2022-23 financial year, despite earning $42.5 million from hosting the 2022 T20 World Cup.The T20 World Cup i


Cricket Australia considers revoking Warner's captaincy ban

Directors of Cricket Australia(CA) are looking to rewrite the organization's code of ethics after the board’sreview meeting on Friday and are considering revoking David Warner's li


Ashes: Cricket Australia CEO Nick Hockley recently fell ill with Covid-19

Cricket Australia (CA) on Monday confirmed that its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nick Hockley had tested positive for Covid-19.Sydney: Cricket Australia boss Nick Hockley was the


AUS-IND Test in serious doubt due to Sydney’s Covid-19 outbreak

The third Test between Australia and India is in huge uncertainty as there’s been a significant Covid-19 cases in Sydney in the last couple of days.The third Test is scheduled to s


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