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Hampshire bring back Pakistani Mohammad Abbas for County Championship stint

Mohammad Abbas is returning to Hampshire for at least the first two months of the season

Hampshire bring back Pakistani Mohammad Abbas for County Championship stint

Posted - 2022-01-29T14:59:38+06:00

Updated - 2022-01-29T14:59:38+06:00

Mohammad Abbas, Pakistan pacer, has agreed to return to Hampshire as a foreign player at the 2022 County Championship.

The 31-year-old was a significant element of Hampshire's bowling attack last season, winning 41 wickets from an average of just 16. That includes three five-wicket hauls, the best of which was 6-11 against Middlesex at The Rose Bowl in was April.

Hampshire County has announced that Muhammad Abbas County will be available for at least the first two months after the Championship begins.

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Mohammad Abbas will play for Hampshire for the second straight season since the recent deal, with the fast bowler saying he's happy to return to Hampshire County.

"I enjoyed playing for Hampshire last year and I hope to play for the county," he said.

“I really enjoyed the environment and playing with this squad at an amazing ground like the Ageas Bowl. I know the club have a huge desire for a silver in the County Championship and hopefully I can do my part and contribute with the ball."

Giles White, Director of Cricket, said: "Mo showed everyone last year that he is a top quality bowler.

"He's an extremely popular member of the squad so we're delighted he's agreed to come back and he's joining Kyle Abbott as our second overseas contract."

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